KABUL, Afghanistan - A NATO vehicle struck a mine in southern Afghanistan, killing one soldier and wounding another, while a militant attack in the east left a policeman dead, officials said Thursday.

It was not clear if the mine hit by the vehicle Wednesday was planted recently or was old ordnance, said Maj. Charles Anthony, a spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force.

The nationality of the dead and wounded soldiers and the exact location of the explosion was not disclosed.

Also Wednesday, militants attacked a police post in Nurgaram district of the eastern Nuristan province, killing an officer, said Mohammad Dawood Nadim, the deputy police chief.

An unknown number of militants were also wounded in the ensuing clash, Nadim said.

Afghanistan experienced a record level of violence that killed more than 6,500 people in 2007, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Western and Afghan officials.