LOS ANGELES - The social networking site MySpace is launching video channels that will feature news and lifestyle video from such partners as the New York Times newspaper and National Geographic magazine, the company plans to announce Tuesday.

The branded channels will include content created for the web and comes as MySpace, which is owned by News Corp., is rapidly expanding its video offerings.

Video is seen as an important driver of traffic to sites such as MySpace, YouTube - which is owned by Google Inc. - and different sites offering both user-generated fare and shows produced by TV networks and other professionals.

Advertisers are shifting much of their budgets from traditional network television networks to the Internet, a key issue this week as major networks start the process of selling ad time for their fall shows.

In the coming months, MySpace has said it will offer video channels from National Geographic, including short video drawn from shows such as "Explorer" and "The Dog Whisperer."

Also featured will be movie reviews, political news and other content from the Times and Reuters Group PLC.

Branded lifestyle channels will feature animated content, video game and other content from News Corp's IGN Entertainment site and shows from Ripe TV targeted to young adult males.

Other channels will include: The Daily Reel, a selection of the best short video clips on the web; Expert Village, offering advice on topics such as "how to make the perfect margarita"; Kush TV, featuring reality shows and coverage of live concert and sporting events.

Other partners will include LX.TV, which will feature dining, shopping and nightlife guidance in major cities; VBS tv, a music and cultural channel from the makers of Vice magazine and Young Hollywood, featuring exclusive celebrity footage and videos.