I don't think the children are safe at school inside or out. The playground is not monitored to prevent injuries and abductions. When they go on outings they say they are not responsible if something happens to the child. Who is then ?. It can't be the parent because they are not there to protect their child.
Concerned Grandparents - Winnipeg Manitoba

Absolutely not. None of the grades are safe anymore. The high school kids have guns, knives, and hard-core drugs to worry about. Emails and pranks are destroying teenagers lives. Grade school kids are being abducted or stalked while walking to school, the teachers do not supervise while the children play outside, and even after all of the incidents of strangers entering the schools and hiding in bathrooms, our grade schools still leave all the doors open for anyone to enter. My own daughter has already been bullied in kindergarten and threatened by a grade 4 student when she was only in grade 1. So no, no one is safe, and no one seems to be doing anything about it on any noticeable level.

Do you think your child is safe at school?

Yes 65% No 35%

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