They should not cover their faces. When in Canada we do what all Canadians do and that is provide a physical identity to prove who we are to Prevent illegal voting.

Not only should they take their veil off to vote it should stay off. I was at the bank one day and "someone" came in dressed like that. We don't know who is behind the veil. What are the chances that it's someone with a gun coming to rob the bank. I didn't feel safe. When in Rome do as the Romans.

The question is, would I still be able to vote with my face covered? Is it not a double standard?
Charlene - North Bay

I think every voter, male and female, should show up at every by-election or next full election completely covered up. This issue shouldn't even be an issue. If my dog or cat were tall enough I'd cover them up too and then vouch for them.

What are we thinking? Elections Canada carries enough power to overrule parliament? An issue as integral to our country's identity, our democracy, our right to vote and individual rights are given more priority than the rights of the nation is totally unacceptable. We need to stand up for our country. Is it any wonder that the USA wants improved border controls when we are willing to sacrifice something as sacred as the democratic process?
Marianne Knaus - Lanigan,Sask.

If my wife has to remove her glasses to get her Passport Photo taken I believe that a persons face should be visible when they vote.
Ralph Storey - Petawawa On

Personally I think they live in Canada and should not be wearing their veils at all. If I took my wife and moved to Iran or Iraq or any of the Muslim countries my wife would be expected to cover herself in public as they do in their own countries. When I travel to another country I respect their customs - when they come to Canada and want Canadian citizenship, then maybe they should live like Canadian citizens. Our country has always been tolerant with all people but at some point are we or are we not Canadian citizens. If people want to be Canadian citizens then why not respect our Canadian customs. I think Canadians are too tolerant and we are gradually losing our own identity.
Merle Smith - Sudbury, Ontario.

Before voting the muslim women should be identified. The voting itself is their right too.
Nicoleta Stancu

I believe all people should be treated equal and if everyone must produce identification at a voting station and show there faces then I feel it should be the same for the Muslim women also. We live in Canada and must respect the Rights of all Canadians and if all other women are expected to show their faces then it is only fair for the Muslim women to do so also.

Simply put, there is no issue. Anyone choosing to remain veiled has the choice to removed the veil for identification purposes. If they choose not to remove the veil, they may choose to vote by proxy or mail. At present, it is NOT illegal to vote veiled. If parliament wants to change that, then new laws must be enacted. We have solutions at the ready. Let's use them instead of making this about religion.

Religion is a personal believe, so, there is no any special treatment. There is a line between personal believe and politics. I am wondering, sometimes our politicians do whatever they can for more votes even with ridiculous idea. Mr Dion gave the solution "to act like Turkey and let this women show their face to the women". This is disgusting, the law is for everyone and they should follow as others.
Amir Halifax

It would seem fair, since ALL Canadians are suppose to be treated equally, if some women are allowed to cover their faces, then ALL women should cover their faces. The biggest problem in this country is that there are laws for some folk and some laws for others. Just like the French. Quebec gets treated differently from the rest of Canada. Tax dollars belong to All Canadians, not just to Quebecers or Special Religious Cultures. If I go to regular Christian Church Services every week and follow the ten commandments in my everyday living, what special treatment do I get at the Voter's Box, or what tax dollar benefit do I get that would be equal to Quebecer's? Instead, I have to work to support the extra tax dollars that Quebec receives, and I get hasseled at the Voter's Box if they don't have me on their list or if I don't have picture I.D. So what's the purpose of showing picture I.D. if you are allowed to have your face covered!

Just as Batman, Spiderman, Jason, Hockey Goalies and Haloweener's would be expected to show there faces when voting. The same should be expected from Muslim Women when they vote in any Canadian Election. And if this is not changed than Elections Canada should adopt the sticking the finger in the blue ink jar just like in the previous elections in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ralph H. - Barrie ON

I think every single voter should show up to vote with their faces covered. It would be amusing to see how Elections Canada dealt with such a situation. If Muslim women can mask their identities why shouldn't everyone else! What a fiasco that would be.

The gov't doesn't even check anymore if they are eligible to vote or anyone else is allowed to vote. The whole voting system is flawed. Lots of non-status Canadians are voting that shouldn't be. They should only allow status canadians who prove their citizenship and also make it a law that it's mandatory to vote or your fined $100.00.
Glenn - Nepean, Ontario

I think they should have to follow Canadian customs when they come to this country, or go back home.

Regarding you question on Moslem women wearing head gear.If the long term requirements of being in the RCMP can be changed by a minority,why cant Moslem women follow there beliefs while in Canada as well.We have made our bed,now we have to sleep in it.Perhaps Australia's lead on foreign influence is not such a bad idea.
Garry Nelson, Craigmyle Alberta.

I feel that when peoples move to Canada they should have to conform to the laws of Canada. It is fine that the immigrants have their beliefs and religions but I don't think Canada should have to change our laws to suit them. If they feel this strongly about their beliefs and customs maybe they should move back to the country they came from. I say, when in Canada do as the Canadians do!!!!
Murray Johnason

I feel really mad about opening this issue again and again.I will tell you from an islamic understanding, face covering is mandatory, you know what , it is an obligation. no one have the right to ask me to drop it. if you need to confirm my identity the day of election, so provide for me a femal muslim stuff to make sure my identity.this is the way that it should work.

When the women themselves believe it is reasonable to be expected to show their faces to vote, why are the rest of us even discussing it? Why is it that our government and media feel the need to create controversy where there is none? It only serves to perpetuate prejudice and cultural-divides.
Emily in Saskatoon

What is happening to us here in Canada??? Why do Muslims get special treatment because of their religion??? (or any other religious group for that matter?) I am sick and tired of seeing exceptions to people because of their backgrounds. When visiting other countries we are expected to abide (and respect) by their laws and rules.. why can't this be the way here in Canada??? Canada is becoming far too lenient to their people... Let's focus on more important issues like safety in our schools, the health care system, hospitals, city policing, drugs etc.
signed and frustrated. Karen (Ottawa)

Has there been a trend of Muslim women impersonating other Muslim women at voting booths? We can barely get anyone motivated to vote as it is. The media, including the CBC, has participated in elevating this tangential issue to headline status out of all reasonable proportion. This appears to be yet another distraction from important issues to which we should be directing our minds as responsible citizens. I hope that this frenzy does not dissuade women from voting. Yet another taudry example of "us" and "them"; let's get over it.
Angela Vanderheyden - Waterloo, Ontario

I strongly believe that anyone adopting this or any other country, shall abide with all the rules of their chosen country. This time Elections Canada created the problem, not the Muslim women.

It is unfortunate that we need to make a ruling like this in order to ensure that voting process stays above reproach but I believe it is a necessary evil. Whether it is the Muslim religion or not is a moot point. Unfortunately we cannot assume in this day and age that we are all following the rules. Voting should not be a religious hot bed. I think those women who have been complying should be recognized but how can we, with any certainty, assume that they alll are. I am glad that my government is implimenting this safe guard to proctect my voting right and procedures, it only takes one person to take advantage and undermine a system.

Absolutely not...can you imagine a female trying to vote in Iran against their values!!! This is Canada and all voters must abide by Canadian rules. Now is their time to become Canadian
Jeanne from Guelph

When these folks come to Canada do they not think they should try to live like a canadian.
Don - Thunder Bay

They should definitely NOT be allowed to cover their faces when voting...Hey, this is Canada and when in Canada do like Canadians do! How did we become a society when we suddenly have to rearrange our society to meet "every" cultural demand? Would there mother country change their laws to accommodate Canadians? I think not! It is time for our government to protect Canadian values and heritage before it is completely changed by multiculturism!!!!

Do you think Muslim women should be allowed to vote with their faces covered?

Yes 9% No 91%

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