Do you think Conrad Black should get a new trial?

Yes 17% No 83%

This guy must be from another planet or think that he is above all of us mere mortals. He was judged by his peers and found guilty. Period. He really needs to suck it up and admit he was wrong, and accept his sentence. Just because one has money does not mean they have class. He has proved this.
Hilary - North Bay, ON

The man is obviously guilty. Would he get another trial if he was anybody else but Conrad Black? I don't think so. Absolutely not. Enough money was spent on a FAIR trial for him. It is time for him to pay.
D. Perry - Kingston , ON

What is the difference in Conrad Black asking for a new trial, or anyone else?? He is entitled. It's just that most people feel he is not worthy of what is a right, probably because he wouldn't follow Chretien's dictatorship. And from now on he will pay for his disobedience.
Loren Mingo - Halifax

He has used up more than his quota of time and space: let's move on to issues that are valuable. Lock him up and move on.

I think Black should go directly to jail. He should not pass go. He should not collect $200.00. No 'get-out-of-jail-free' pass. Lock him up and put him in the general population so he can live the way he deserves to live.
Kevin - Roslin, ON

All I see of Conrad Black is that he is an arrogant man who feels the rules don't apply to him and he can buy his way out of anything.

If any one else was caught red handed removing material that was specifically protected under a court order, we would already be serving time. He deserves to have the book thrown at him.
Don - Winnipeg

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