Who honestly cares if OJ gets a fair trial or not except OJ! Did the Brown`s or the Goldman`s get justice and a fair trial? I think not. Lock this crazy man up and throw away the key.
Bill H. Kitchener

As long as simpson is found guilty and gets life in prison, it would a fair trial.

There was nothing fair about OJ's first trial: he got away with murder. This time around, his arrogance toward the justice system might just do him in. I won't be shedding any tears for him.
Lauren - Waterloo, ON

The system did not get a fair trial last time. Emotions played a big part in it and if I would have been on the jury 10 years ago he would have been in jail since then. I wonder if the race card will be played again? What now "the gun does not fit so you must acquit."
Allan - Arborg, MB

Define fair. Mr. Simpson was out free to commit armed robbery. O.J. seems to think he is above the law. Perhaps this time he will end up where he has belonged all along. That would be fair.
Liz, Ottawa

What next? Is he going to get a DUI and go to rehab too? Or maybe its going to be a drug addiction. As for the fair trial? Don't know, don't care. I'm so sick of Celebrities cluttering "real" news with their dramatic garbage.
Tamara White - Saskatoon

Can O.J. Simpson get a fair trial? well I don't think so but if he can get away with murder he has a good shot at getting a good trial

Please this time around do not let him get extra coverage for nothing

Let's face it, karma is coming around to bite the man with arrogance the size of the state of California. Not only will he not get a fair trial, but he doesn't deserve it. It will be the way the world can correct it's mistake from the last time when he got away with murder. Gee, how dumb do you have to be to get off and find yourself in the same types of situations - at his age no less. Throw the book at him!
Michelle - Toronto, ON

No, but, does anyone really care?!!!
Kevin - Roslin, ON

At least justice will finally be served regarding O.J. Simpson...he had luck on his side once and I believe as long as he is put in jail it does not matter for what charges they hold him on.
Maurene - Toronto, Ontario

Can O.J. Simpson get a fair trial?

Yes 62% No 38%

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