Early Friday morning, U.S. President Donald Trump started his day by that, according to his assessment, found a link between rising crime in the country and the “spread of Radical Islamic terror.”

That assessment simply isn’t true, according to the agency Trump appeared to quote. In fact, the words “radical Islamic terror” never appeared in the

When asked about Trump’s tweet, the Office for National Statistic in the United Kingdom told the Washington Post, “The simple answer is that our statistical release bulletin yesterday made no link between terrorism and violent crime.”

The agency was asked to elaborate, but told the Post that there was nothing more to explain: “That is the answer. There is a simple answer. There is no long answer.”

Regardless, the falsehood was retweeted more than 20,000 times from Trump’s Twitter account, where he has more than 40.8 million followers. It was liked more than 75,000 times.

It also drew plenty of outrage. U.K. politicians from across the political spectrum called out the president for spreading false information.

Ed Miliband, a Labour MP, tweeted, “Spreading lies about your own country: sad. Spreading lies about others: sadder. What an absolute moron.”

Caroline Lucas, co-leader of the U.K.’s Green Party, called on Prime Minister Theresa May to denounce the tweet.

Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Jo Swinson, accused Trump of “misleading and spreading fear.”

MP Yvette Cooper suggested that the message behind Trump’s tweet is part of the reason that hate crimes have seen an increase in the U.K.

Tom Watson, deputy leader of the Labour Party, likened Trump’s tweet to a hate crime.