Former U.S. president Donald Trump abruptly ended a telephone interview with Tuesday after being repeatedly pressed on lies about the 2020 election being “stolen.”

After about 10 minutes with the NPR’s Steve Inskeep, discussing vaccines and vaccine mandates, the conversation turned to ballots being counted in states like “Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” and a “rigged election,” according to Trump.

After commenting on President Joe Biden’s crowd sizes on the 2020 election campaign trail, Inskeep asked Trump if he was telling Republicans in 2022 that they must press his case on the past election in order to get his endorsement.

Trump then proceeded to say “they are going to do whatever they want to do,” in a meandering answer, cutting off attempts to ask clarification questions, thanked Inskeep and hung up abruptly, ending the interview.

“Woah woah woah, I have one more question. I want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on Jan. 6 Judge Amit Mehta…He’s gone. OK,” the final line of the transcript of the interview reads, as the Inskeep realizes Trump has ended the call.

Watch the YouTube video to hear the full exchange between Trump and NPR below.