In what has become a long-standing tradition, Americans are once again threatening to “move to Canada” if a candidate they despise wins the U.S. presidency.

It’s unclear how many Americans actually follow through on such threats, but here are some Canada saw a 20 per cent year-over-year increase in new residents from the U.S. in 2005, the year after Republican George Bush won re-election.

That was followed by a 12 per cent decrease in Americans relocating to Canada after Barack Obama’s first win in 2009, and an 8 per cent increase in the year after Obama’s re-election.

Some of those new potential immigrants are worried about a Hillary Clinton presidency. Others are concerned Donald Trump will take the White House. Some, apparently, can’t stomach either.

Among those worried about Trump becoming president are those he has blasted in speeches.

Of course, Canada isn’t the only country Americans are threatening with immigration.

Many Canadians welcome them, including a Toronto-area real estate agent.

Not everyone is coming purely for political reasons, however.