Pope Francis on Tuesday began a highly anticipated six-day visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Here are some glimpses of his trip as it unfolds:


When Pope Francis canonizes Sri Lanka's first saint on Wednesday, he'll again prove he has little tolerance for pointless rules as he skirts the Vatican's normal saint-making regulations. While the church traditionally requires two miracles for sainthood, the Vatican never confirmed a second attributed to the intercession of the Rev. Joseph Vaz, a 17th century missionary credited with reviving Catholicism during anti-Catholic persecution by Dutch colonizers. Rather, Francis simply signed off on a decision taken by the Vatican's saint-making office that Vaz warranted canonization. It's the same thing Francis did for a far better-known new saint, Pope John XXIII, and is a sign that Francis firmly believes that the faithful need more models of holiness without the technical, time-consuming and costly process of confirming inexplicable miracles.


Sri Lanka's religious stripes were all on colorful display for a meeting of representatives of the major faiths on the island. Traditional Hevisi drummers set the scene, followed by Buddhist chants, Hindu and Muslim benedictions, an ecumenical prayer by an Anglican bishop, then speeches by a Buddhist monk and the pope. The scene was far different in 1995 when Buddhist leaders boycotted John Paul's visit to protest his criticism of the Buddhist concept of salvation. In a sign of belonging, Francis sported a saffron-colored robe over his shoulders. Such robes are a cultural sign of honour among Tamils, a mainly Hindu ethnic minority in Sri Lanka.

The Muslim representative at the meeting, Ash-Sheikh M.F.M Fazil, used his speech to condemn the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. Extremists have used many religions as a shelter to cover their own evil deeds and lies, he said. "We need to understand each others' faiths" and support each other to build a healthy nation, the sheik said.


The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, the country's main Muslim political party, spoke in a statement about how Pope Francis' visit could affect its efforts to end anti-Muslim bigotry, particularly after last week's upset in the country's presidential elections.

"We hope that His Holiness' presence, advice and example will help make this critical opportunity in our democratic history a turning point in the struggle for equality, justice and freedom. We also hope that it will renew our society's commitment to compassion, peace and virtue."


Some in the crowds may have grumbled that Pope Francis' convoy had passed too quickly or that he hadn't stopped to greet them, but the pope took a long time to drive the 30 kilometres (20 miles) from Colombo's airport into the city.

Even with traffic blocked, the lengthy airport arrival ceremony, combined with his frequent stops in the heat to greet and bless people in the crowds lining the convoy's route, had the pope running more than an hour behind schedule.

By midday, the pope had to cancel a meeting with Sri Lanka's bishops. He's expected to reschedule it.

It was, in some ways, a Francis-like choice: to spend more time with ordinary people and less with the pillars of church power, though the cancellation might have also been a nod to a 78-year-old pope, just off a long flight, needing to rest up after a hot spin into town.

"He is a down-to-earth pope," said Felicitas Ivy Dissanayake, an 80-year-old woman who was waiting for the pope's arrival. Francis was to be the third pope she had seen in Sri Lanka.

He "is on a mission to bring peace to the world. And we are thrilled to have him," she said.


The thousands who lined the pope's convoy route had various reasons for joining in the excitement, some focused on hopes of ending religious divisions and reconciling the country after a quarter-century civil war that ended in 2009.

Here's what some had to say:

"This is a good opportunity to unify the country after a war and bring together a society divided with an election. It will give strength to the new government at a time we are free from an autocracy and on a new path." -- Saman Priyankara, 42.

"I came to see a world religious leader, though I am a Buddhist. I believe inter-religious harmony will be strengthened." -- Yasas Alexander, 40.

"This is like Jesus Christ himself coming to Sri Lanka. ... His simple lifestyle is not fake. It is a challenge to us and the Church hierarchy. I think his vision comes from Christ himself." -- Ranjit Solis, 60.


Pope Francis stood inside a small white vehicle as he rode from the airport into Colombo. Francis has eschewed the bullet-proof "popemobiles" used by his predecessors, and while there was an extended windscreen in front of him, he could reach out through the sides to the thousands who stood along the road waving.

At times, the vehicle stopped so he could greet the crowds, and he touched and blessed the children who were hoisted toward him.

Some, though, felt the convoy went too quickly.

"It would have been good if he had travelled a bit more slowly," said Nimal Solis, who had waited for hours to see the pope and was disappointed when his vehicle passed without stopping. "But still, we saw him. This is a lifetime opportunity."


In a speech at his airport arrival ceremony, Pope Francis talked about Sri Lanka's efforts to reconcile after years of civil strife:

"I am convinced that the followers of the various religious traditions have an essential role to play in the delicate process of reconciliation and rebuilding which is taking place in this country. For that process to succeed, all members of society must work together. All must have a voice. All must be free to express their concerns, their needs, their aspirations and their fears."


Pope Francis stepped off an Alitalia plane shortly after 9 a.m. on a bright sunny morning. He was greeted first by a boy and a girl who gave him a large garland of yellow and white flowers. He then walked on a long red carpet as colourful Sri Lankan dancers performed on both sides, accompanied by rhythmic drumming.


By 7:30 a.m., hundreds of people were waiting on the road just outside the airport to get a glimpse of Pope Francis. Families were sitting on mats they had set out, sipping occasionally from water bottles.

And then, there was something more unusual: a procession of decorated elephants sauntered up the road, heading to the airport. Elephants later were part of the greeting to his convoy.


Catholics are a small minority in Sri Lanka, but Pope Francis would be forgiven for thinking otherwise during his ride into Colombo.

He passed a series of Catholic churches along the airport road and dozens of shrines -- small roadside structures, often with glassed-in statues of saints dressed in silks and covered with jewelry.

Sri Lanka's so-called Catholic belt, where many towns and villages have large Catholic communities, begins just north of Colombo and continues north past the airport for hundreds of miles along the coast. Most of Sri Lanka's Catholics have long lived on the coast, where Portuguese missionaries concentrated their work in the 16th century.


Catholics make up slightly more than 6 per cent of Sri Lanka's population of 21 million, according to the government. They are by far the largest Christian denomination in the country. Other Christians make up just 1.3 per cent of the population, which is mostly Buddhist.