U.S. President Donald Trump and Pope Francis met for the first time at the Vatican on Wednesday.

Trump appeared upbeat and smiling for the cameras throughout most of the 30-minute get-together that was also attended by his wife, first lady Melania Trump, as well his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

The Pope, on the other hand, appeared much less enthused.

According to of the event, the mood in the room appeared “stiff†and the Pope was “rather stone-faced,†but “lightened considerably†during a gift exchange between the two men.

On social media, however, attention focused on an Associated Press photo that shows a beaming Trump posing for a group photo with an unsmiling Pope Francis and a sombre-looking Melania, Ivanka and Kushner.

that the encounter with Pope Francis was an “honor of a lifetime†while as “cordial†and said that “satisfaction was expressed†for good relations between the Holy See and the United States during the talks.