A North Korean ferry once suspected of smuggling parts for the regime’s nuclear missile program was met by protestors on Tuesday as it docked in the South Korean port of Mukho.

The Mangyongbong 92 is carrying a decidedly more benign cargo on this charm offensive voyage -- ice cream, a 140-person orchestra, the leader of a famous all-female pop band hand-picked by leader Kim Jong Un, and karaoke equipment.

South Korean soldiers and riot police used smoke bombs to disperse protestors. Many were shouting at the ferry to return to North Korea, chanting, “Go home you devils.”

South Korea has temporarily lifted its ban on North Korean ships. The Mangyongbong 92 arrived under a South Korean naval escort. The passengers left the vessel surrounded by police.

One woman at the protest told CTV’s Joy Malbon that she felt North Korea had hijacked the Winter Games in Pyeongchang. She also called Kim Jong Un a terrorist.

An art troupe led by Hyon Song Wol, North Korea’s most celebrated pop singer and leader of the famous Moranbong girl band, will perform in Gangneung and Seoul on Feb. 8 and Feb. 11, respectively, before returning home.

The pop diva and North Korean army colonel has also been romantically linked to Kim Jong Un.

Hyon’s hits include “,” “Peace Is Our Bayonet,” and “Let’s Defend Socialism.”

With files from The Associated Press