An Iraqi woman helping in the fight against the Islamic State has been sharing videos of her efforts on Facebook, including what appears to be the recent capture of a militant.

The woman, called Wahida Mohamed, leads a militia fighting the Islamic extremists. She doesn’t hold back in what she posts on social media: Many photos, including her profile picture, are gruesome images of beheaded individuals.

In Facebook photos and videos, Mohamed is typically seen dressed in a military-style bomber jacket and wearing a headscarf.

اللهم احفظ لنا قائدنا وعزنا

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A video posted on her account earlier this week is described as showing the capture of an Islamic State fighter, who was discovered hiding under pile of wood during the relocation of a family that Mohamed claimed supports Islamic State.

إلقاء القبض على داعشي خسيس يختبى تحت الحطب عندما كنا نرحل عائلته لأنهم عائله داعشيه الأب والأولاد والعمال ومن القيادات البارزه لتنظيم داعش وانا اقوم بلواجب لفت انتباهي ارتباك الأم واعطيت أمر لجنودي أن يقوموا بإزالة الحطب وبعد ذلك تم إزالته وتفاجءنا بوجود شخص تحته طلع دعوشي جرذي خاتل

Posted by ‎‎ on Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Another video with the same date apparently shows the forced relocation of an “Islamic State family.” In the description, Mohamed says the family will be sent to Iraqi camps.

هكذا نتعامل تشكيل ام هنادي ولواء 60 الأبطال مع عوائل الدواعش مقصوده لمن يدعي اننا ميليشيات نحن اولاد الحشد الشعبي المقدس نمشي على نهج وطريق قادتنا الحاج ابو مهدي المهندس والحاج هادي العامري واول شي يوصون به هوا الرحمه بل عوائل نحن أناس محررين ولسنا مغتصبين رغم أن أولادهم قتلو اهلي وشباب بلدي ظلم وبهتان

Posted by ‎‎ on Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Several media outlets have reported on Wahida Mohamed, also known as Um Hanadi, highlighting her leadership of the militia, which operates out of Shirqat, in Iraq’s Saladin province.

In an interview with a Kurdish media outlet, Mohamed claimed that she has been fighting another terrorist group, al Qaeda, since 2004.

Her 125-person brigade, which she said she started in 2014 to fight the Islamic State, is affiliated with the Shiite militia Hashed Shaabi.

Mohamed said that she can’t count how many Islamic state fighters she has killed. She has reportedly said she’s burned and cooked the bodies of the people she’s killed.

Mohamed, whose first and second husband were both killed in action, said she has survived multiple assassination attempts.

According to a CNN report, Mohamed has two daughters and grandchildren.