According to military officials, Iraqi security forces drove the Islamic State out of the centre of Ramadi, Iraq, on Monday, recapturing the main government complex.

Ramadi fell to ISIS in May, and has in recent weeks become a battleground for Iraqi forces attempting to retake the provincial capital with the help of coalition airstrikes.

The following maps, , show the progress made over the past month and a half. Green indicates Iraqi security force-held areas, black indicates ISIS-controlled areas, and red shows contested areas.


ISIS control in Ramadi, Nov. 11 2015

On Nov. 26, the Palestine Bridge above Albu Thiab became contested.

ISIS control in Ramadi, Dec 3 2015

On Dec. 4, forces contested Ta'mim, having already secured Anbar University. On Dec. 8, forces controlled the Anbar Operations Command HQ in the south of Albu Thiab. ISIS Control in Ramadi Dec. 9

By Dec. 22, much of the eastern half of the city had been retaken by Iraqi forces.

ISIS Control in Ramadi Dec 22

On Dec. 28, forces entered the centre of Ramadi, recapturing the main government complex in the city.ISIS in Ramadi Dec. 28, Iraqi forces retake