U.S. President Barack Obama dusted off his comedy chops Saturday night at the glitzy White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, D.C. -- and he wasn’t afraid to throw a few punches.

From celebrities to journalists to Canada’s new prime minister, it appeared from the commander-in-chief’s biting barbs.

Here are Obama’s best digs from his final night of presidential stand-up.

On Justin Trudeau’s charm

Trudeau Obama

“Somebody recently said to me, Mr. President, you are so yesterday; Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you — he’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future. And I said, Justin, just give it a rest. I resented that.â€

On Donald Trump’s absence


“Is this dinner too tacky for The Donald? What could he possibly be doing instead? Is he at home, eating a Trump Steak, tweeting out insults to Angela Merkel? What’s he doing?

The Republican establishment is incredulous that he is their most likely nominee — incredulous, shocking. They say Donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. But, in fairness, he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world: Miss Sweden, Miss Argentina, Miss Azerbaijan.â€

On Kendall Jenner’s livelihood

Kendall Jenner wants to focus on fashion career

“Kendall Jenner is also here. And we had a chance to meet her backstage — she seems like a very nice young woman. I’m not exactly sure what she does, but I am told that my Twitter mentions are about to go through the roof.â€

On Ted Cruz’s basketball gaffe

Ted Cruz

“And then there’s Ted Cruz. Ted had a tough week. He went to Indiana – Hoosier country – stood on a basketball court, and called the hoop a ‘basketball ring.’ What else is in his lexicon? Baseball sticks? Football hats? But sure, I’m the foreign one.â€

On Prince George’s loungewear

Prince George meets Obama

“Last week, Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe. That was a slap in the face. A clear breach in protocol.â€

On former-VP Dick Cheney’s gunmanship

Dick Cheney had heart device partially disabled

“I love Joe Biden, I really do. And I want to thank him for his friendship, for his counsel, for always giving it to me straight, for not shooting anybody in the face. Thank you, Joe.â€