To Donald Trump, Hungarian strongman Viktor Orban is ā€œfantastic,ā€ Chinese leader is ā€œbrilliant,ā€ North Koreaā€™s is ā€œan OK guy,ā€ and, most alarmingly, he allegedly said ā€œdid some good things,ā€ a worldview that would reverse decades-old U.S. foreign policy in a second term should he win Novemberā€™s presidential election, multiple former senior advisers told CNN.

ā€œHe thought Putin was an OK guy and Kim was an OK guy ā€” that we had pushed North Korea into a corner,ā€ retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trumpā€™s chief of staff, told me. ā€œTo him, it was like we were goading these guys. ā€˜If we didnā€™t have NATO, then Putin wouldnā€™t be doing these things.ā€™ā€

File photo of John Kelly

Trumpā€™s lavish praise for Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán while on Friday, just days after all but sealing the Republican nomination on , shows itā€™s a worldview heā€™s doubling down on.

ā€œThereā€™s nobody thatā€™s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,ā€ Trump said, adding, ā€œHeā€™s the boss and heā€™s a great leader, fantastic leader. In Europe and around the world, they respect him.ā€

The former presidentā€™s admiration for autocrats has been reported on before, but in comments by Trump recounted to me for my new book, out Tuesday, Kelly and others who served under Trump give new insight into why they warn that a man who consistently praises autocratic leaders opposed to U.S. interests is ill-suited to lead the country in the Great Power clashes that could be coming, telling me they believe that the root of his admiration for these figures is that he envies their power.

ā€œHe views himself as a big guy,ā€ John Bolton, who served as national security adviser under Trump, told me. ā€œHe likes dealing with other big guys, and big guys like Erdogan in Turkey get to put people in jail and you donā€™t have to ask anybodyā€™s permission. He kind of likes that.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s not a tough guy by any means, but in fact quite the opposite,ā€ Kelly said. ā€œBut thatā€™s how he envisions himself.ā€

Alleged praise for Hitler

Trump allegedly reserved some of his most unnerving praise for Hitler, who led Nazi Germany during World War II.

ā€œHe said, ā€˜Well, but Hitler did some good things.ā€™ I said, ā€˜Well, what?ā€™ And he said, ā€˜Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.ā€™ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ā€˜Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,ā€™ā€ Kelly recounted. ā€œI mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.ā€

ā€œItā€™s pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater,ā€ Kelly told me. ā€œBut I think itā€™s more, again, the tough guy thing.ā€

Trumpā€™s admiration for Hitler went further than the German leaderā€™s economic policies, according to Kelly. Trump also expressed admiration for Hitlerā€™s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that Hitler, as Kelly recounted, maintained his senior staffā€™s ā€œloyalty,ā€ while Trump himself often did not.

ā€œHe would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didnā€™t know that,ā€ Kelly recalled. ā€œHe truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal ā€” that we would do anything he wanted us to do,ā€ Kelly told me.

When asked to respond to the allegations from the former Trump administration officials, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung did not comment on the substance of what they told me but stated, ā€œJohn Kelly and John Bolton have completely beclowned themselves and are suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. They need to seek professional help because their hatred is consuming their empty lives.ā€

In 2021, a spokeswoman for Trump that the former president had praised Hitler.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates responded to Trumpā€™s alleged praise for Hitler in a statement on Tuesday, saying that Biden has called the Nazi leader a ā€œdemonic figure.ā€

ā€œNo American should ever praise the genocidal monster who committed the Holocaust. Just like it is incumbent on all leaders not to associate with Neo Nazis and Holocaust deniers. Hundreds of thousands of American service members ā€“ heroes, not ā€˜suckersā€™ or ā€˜losersā€™ ā€“ gave their lives to defeat that evil. Admiring Hitler is an insult to their memory. President Biden is committed to bringing all Americans together based on our shared values,ā€ Bates said.

ā€˜Shocked that he didnā€™t have dictatorial-type powersā€™

Trumpā€™s former advisers say he most consistently lavished praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolton recalled a comment from Trump during the 2018 NATO summit. Following sometimes tense encounters with NATO leaders, Trump said his meeting with Putin, the leader of Americaā€™s great power adversary, ā€œmay be the easiest of them all. Who would think?ā€

Trump, Kelly and Bolton

ā€œHe says to the press as he goes out to the helicopter, ā€˜I think the easiest meeting might be with Vladimir Putin. Who would ever think that?ā€™ā€ recalled Bolton. ā€œThereā€™s an answer to that question. Only one person. You. You are the only person who would think that. The shrinks can make of that what they will, but I think it was ā€˜Iā€™m a big guy. Theyā€™re big guys. I wish I could act like they do.ā€™ā€

ā€œMy theory on why he likes the dictators so much is thatā€™s who he is,ā€ Kelly said. ā€œEvery incoming president is shocked that they actually have so little power without going to the Congress, which is a good thing. Itā€™s Civics 101, separation of powers, three equal branches of government. But in his case, he was shocked that he didnā€™t have dictatorial-type powers to send U.S. forces places or to move money around within the budget. And he looked at Putin and Xi and that nutcase in North Korea as people who were like him in terms of being a tough guy.ā€

ā€œTrump believed in the power of his personal charisma and diplomacy,ā€ recalled Matthew Pottinger, his deputy national security adviser, who was deeply involved in Trumpā€™s meetings with North Korean leader Kim and Chinese President Xi. ā€œHe had almost unlimited faith in it. That was as true with Kim as it was with Xi ā€” but also with allies too.ā€

Trump has continued to praise authoritarians in his 2024 presidential campaign.

At a town hall organized by Fox News in July 2023, Trump said, ā€œThink of President Xi: central casting, brilliant guy. When I say heā€™s brilliant, everyone says, ā€˜Oh, thatā€™s terrible.ā€™ He runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist: smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There is nobody in Hollywood like this guy.ā€

In an interview with Fox that same month, Trump lavished praise on Putin as well, describing him as smarter than President Joe Biden. ā€œThese are smart people, including Macron of France. I could go through the whole list of people, including Putin .ā€¦ These people are sharp, tough, and generally vicious,ā€ Trump said. ā€œTheyā€™re vicious, and theyā€™re at the top of their game. We have a man that has no clue whatā€™s happening. Itā€™s the most dangerous time in the history of our country.ā€

Trumpā€™s affinity for authoritarians represents a defining issue for the U.S. as the 2024 election approaches. Several of his own former advisers believe, in a second term, he would bring a fundamental shift in the U.S.ā€™ vision of itself and its role in the world, including potentially and reducing the U.S.ā€™ commitment to other defense alliances.

ā€œNATO would be in real jeopardy,ā€ Bolton told me. ā€œI think he would try to get out.ā€

Many veterans of the Trump administration have a similar warning for Ukraine as it battles Russiaā€™s invasion. ā€œU.S. support for Ukraine would end,ā€ said a senior U.S. official who served under Trump and Biden.

ā€œThe point is, he saw absolutely no point in NATO,ā€ Kelly said. ā€œHe was just dead set against having troops in South Korea, again, a deterrent force, or having troops in Japan, a deterrent force.ā€