Flowers, candles, flags and messages of support have flooded the perimeter of the Dallas Police Department headquarters days after a sniper killed five officers on the force.

The police force has received an onslaught of community support as the city copes with the aftermath of . The five officers were killed during a peaceful demonstration against police violence in the U.S.

Two police cars, one from the Dallas Police Department and one from the Dallas Area Rapid Transit authority, were set up as a memorial for the fallen officers. Both cars were nearly covered in bouquets, signs and balloons this weekend.

Meanwhile, groups of citizens sang outside the station, while others embraced police officers with hugs, handshakes and words of condolences.

An interfaith service attended by city leaders and religious leaders drew a massive crowd on Friday. After the prayer service, residents patiently waited in long lines to thank the officers.

As well, landmarks across Dallas were lit blue over the weekend to show solidarity with the police force.

Various police departments throughout the U.S. also took to social media to share images that highlight the support they’ve received in recent days from their communities.

The Dallas protest was one of many that broke out across the U.S. after the shooting deaths of two African-American men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, were caught on video. Both men died after being shot by police.