VANCOUVER - A watchdog group for the 2010 Winter Games says organizers aren't meeting their environmental and social promises.

The group, dubbed Impact of the Olympics on Community Coalition, says it's neither pro-or anti-Olympics, but says its research has concluded the Games rank only a D minus. Spokesman Rob VanWynsberghe says the only reason the group didn't give Olympic organizers a failing grade is because there is still time to fix the problems.

The group says despite the Games' pledge not to harm the environment, Nordic runs in the Callaghan Valley are going ahead without proper study into how they'll affect grizzly bear habitat.

And though Games organizers have said they will ensure people won't be made homeless as a result of 2010, the report says the city hasn't done enough to curb the speculation that has pushed prices up in Vancouver's poorest areas.

The group has received funding from the Vancouver Olympic organizing committee in the past and has held up to 50 meetings with them.

The report comes just a day before the organizing committee is set to release its long-awaited business plan.