NEW YORK - Miss California USA can retain her crown despite controversies over semi-nude photographs taken of her as a teenager and her association with a conservative advocacy group, pageant owner Donald Trump said Tuesday.

Carrie Prejean's comments about her opposition to same-sex marriage ignited a media firestorm after a celebrity judge suggested her response may have cost her the Miss USA title. She finished as first-runner up. The photos surfaced later and led to the review of her state title.

"We've reviewed the pictures carefully," Trump said at a packed news conference at Trump Plaza in New York City. "We've made a determination that the pictures taken were acceptable. Some were risque, but we are in the 21st century."

Trump also defended the answer Prejean gave at the April 19 Miss USA pageant. She was asked her view of marriage by blogger Perez Hilton. Prejean said she believes marriage is between a man and a woman.

"It's the same answer the president of the United States gave," Trump said. "It's the same answer many people gave. She gave an honourable answer. She gave an answer from her heart and I think for that she has to be commended."

Trump only briefly addressed questions surrounding Prejean's association with the National Organization for Marriage, a group that opposes same-sex marriage. He dismissed them as a "communication problem" between Prejean and California pageant officials.

"I use the term `miscommunication' somewhat loosely," Trump said, "but they were having miscommunication. The communication problem, I believe, is totally solved."

Before competing in the Miss California USA competition, all prospective contestants are required to sign a detailed 12-page contract prohibiting Miss California USA from making personal appearances, giving interviews or making commercials without permission from pageant officials.

The contract also contains a clause asking participants to disclose whether they have conducted themselves "in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards." It asks participants whether they have ever been photographed nude or partially nude.

After Trump spoke, Prejean, who was accompanied by her parents, took her turn at the lectern, defending herself against "hateful attacks, despicable rumours and false allegations."

"On April 19 on that stage I exercised my freedom of speech, and I was punished for doing so," said Prejean, who described Hilton's question as "politically charged" with a "hidden personal agenda."

"This should not happen in America."

In an interview, Prejean said she was briefly tempted by Satan to answer Hilton's question in a way that would please the judges.

"I had worked so hard for this," she said.

Instead, she decided to give her honest opinion, even if it cost her points.

"The Lord was in my heart and in my head just saying, `Carrie, how bad do you want this? Are you willing to deny me?' " she said. "I will always continue to not compromise my values."

Prejean said she had forgiven the people who attacked her for expressing her views, including Hilton.

Trump's senior executive assistant, Rhona Graff-Ricci, said Trump wouldn't answer further questions about Prejean's dealings with the marriage group. Officials at the Miss Universe Organization, which runs Miss USA, didn't immediately return a message Tuesday.

Melany Ethridge, a spokeswoman for Prejean, said Prejean "was never an official spokesperson" for the National Organization for Marriage. "They never employed her."

After the pageant, Prejean revisited the same-sex-marriage issue in interviews and televised talks, including one at her San Diego megachurch and another on behalf of the marriage group.

On Tuesday, the group featured a photo of Prejean on its website and said it had launched a new advertisement against gay marriage featuring footage of her at the pageant. The ad also features video of Hilton referring to Prejean with a profanity.

The Miss Universe Organization has demanded that the group remove the ad. Brian Brown, the National Organization for Marriage's executive director, said the group did not plan to comply.

Prejean said Tuesday that she had received thousands of letters and e-mails from supporters.

Hilton, whose real name is Mario Lavandeira, is best known for his blog but has also branched off into gay rights advocacy.

"I'd love to have him back as a judge," Trump said.

In 2006, Trump gave former Miss USA Tara Conner a second chance; she agreed to enter rehab when reports surfaced that she drank alcohol at New York clubs when she was 20.