OTTAWA - RCMP Commissioner William Elliott will become Interpol's man at the United Nations in a few months.

As the international police service's special representative to the UN, Elliott will tackle files such as terrorism, organized crime, and global police co-operation.

Elliott announced earlier this year that he would be leaving the RCMP.

His often stormy four-year tenure has been marked by big changes within the iconic police force and a revolt last summer by senior officers.

Long-serving Mounties bristled at Elliott's brash management style, complaining of abusive temper tantrums.

Elliott begins his new duties in November, by which time his successor at the RCMP should be in place.

In a message to fellow Mounties, Elliott said it has been an honour to serve as commissioner.

"I believe the RCMP is well positioned to meet the challenges it faces today and into the future," he wrote.

"RCMP partners, stakeholders and, most importantly, the communities we serve have witnessed and confirmed the meaningful improvements we have made together over the last four years.

"The RCMP management team is strong, united and focused on continuing to bring about positive change. I have absolute faith that the professionalism, integrity and dedication of the RCMP's men and women will continue to support our delivery of world class policing services."