LOS ANGELES - A 14-minute tape recording of a 1966 Beatles news conference in Toronto did not find a buyer on Sunday.

The two reels up for auction feature John Lennon responding to questions about his statement that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

The auction house, Los Angeles Bonham and Butterfields, estimated the artifact would fetch between $20,000 to $25,000.

Jannelle Grigsby, from the auction house, says while the auctioneer was taking bids, the tapes were not sold.

"There was interest in the sale room, but it did not find a buyer," she says.

Grigsby says the auction process works with a reserve, which is a confidential number that the client and the auction house agree upon, and if the item does not meet the reserve, the item does not sell.

Grigsby says she had no immediate information on how high the bidding reached, or what will now happen to the recordings.

The tape was recorded on Aug 17, 1966 at Toronto's King Edward Hotel.

The Beatles held the news conference between back-to-back shows at Maple Leaf Gardens.

The tapes also feature the Fab Four discussing Vietnam, the generation gap and how long the band might stay together.

Another audiotape of the recording will be auctioned off in Dallas and online in October.