An attack by Taliban insurgents on a combat outpost has wounded two Canadian soldiers -- one seriously -- in Afghanistan.

The attack, which took place in the Panjwai district about 30 kilometres west of Kandahar city on Saturday, "started with small arms fire, followed by rocket-propelled grenade fire," said Col. Jamie Cade, deputy commander of Canada's forces in Afghanistan.

"Shrapnel from the rocket-propelled grenades injured the soldiers."

The soldiers names will not be made public, but the military said that one of the soldiers has been released from medical care. However, the other injured soldier remains in serious but stable condition.

Cade said the attack on the outpost doesn't mark a change in Taliban tactics.

"It's pretty much a standard tactic that we've been encountering," he said.

"It's not something we would consider worrisome ... It's something we've dealt with many times before and will continue to deal with."

About 4,500 people have been killed in insurgent-related attacks in Afghanistan this year. Most of those killed were militants, but hundreds of civilians have also died. Almost 100 Canadians have died in the country since 2002.

With files from The Canadian Press