When the Philadelphia Eagles face off against the New England Patriots for Super Bowl LII Sunday, both sidelines will have a connection to Calgary.

That’s because both team mascots -- Pat Patriot and the Eagles’ Swoop -- were built by a Calgary-based prop making company.

Street Characters Inc. has been creating elaborate costumes for decades and has clients around the world, including professional sports teams.

Rob Hayward is the prop maker who worked on the re-design of Pat the Patriot.

“Pat Patriot came to me last year. They wanted a new head built so I got the opportunity to work on him,†he told CTV Calgary.

Hayward, a self-described sports nut, has contributed to the creation of lots of other mascots too, including the Calgary Hitmen’s Farley the Fox, the Calgary Stampeders’ Ralph the Dog and Sparky, the dragon mascot of his beloved New York Islanders.

Hayward says seeing his and his team’s work at the Super Bowl, where it will be viewed by millions, is a special thrill.

“Local sports teams, it just pumps me up. To be able to have mascots that are in the Super Bowl, it just takes it to another level,†he said.

Kent Andersson, Street Characters’ production manager, credits the performers inside the costume for bringing the mascots to life.

“It’s not (just) they’re bouncing around,†said Andersson. “They’re really aware of what they’re doing to catch the crowd and entertain them.â€

Hayward, Andersson, and the whole Street Characters team are planning to gather together for their own Super Bowl viewing party Sunday afternoon. So which mascot and team do they hope will win the big game?

Both admit they’ve got their money on the Patriots.

With files from CTV Calgary's Stephanie Wiebe