What will happen to Carrie and company?

"Sex and the City" fans will soon have their answer. The sequel to the 2008 blockbuster rolls into theatres on May 27.

Until then, the newly released "Sex and the City 2" trailer is giving fans plenty to ponder.

That speculation is nothing new.

Us Weekly kicked-off a hailstorm of "OMG's!" in September of 2009 when its "SATC2" cover story hit newsstands.

In it, Us disclosed many juicy details about this new installment starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Chris Noth.

Among the reported plot highlights Samantha (Cattrall) reunites with hunky ex Smith Jerrod (Jason Lewis). Charlotte (Davis) goes nuts trying to raise two kids. Miranda (Nixon) tames her workaholic ways.

There are also flashbacks to the big-haired '80s, when these famous N.Y.C. fashionistas first met.

As for the ever-hopeful Carrie Bradshaw (Parker), there's trouble in paradise for her and new husband, Mr. Big (Noth).

Big loses a fortune and takes a job in London. The down-on-his-luck player beds another woman for comfort. Carrie walks and learns that she is pregnant shortly after.

Whether director Michael Patrick King has shaken things up since September is anyone's guess. He threw out a lot of red herrings in the leadup to "SATC1."

The new "SATC2" trailer raises many questions. It also makes one thing crystal clear. Watch the video, then see below to read the clues and add your comments.

1. Something mighty big must be going down in Morocco. We see sandy dunes, the girls on camels, Carrie in a Gloria Swanson turban. Did somebody tell them this was a video for the Marrakesh Express, not "SATC2?"

These transplanted city slickers chill under posh, breeze-blown tents (think Donald Trump does 1921's "The Sheik"). They play parts in some glamorous wedding. Is one of these girls wedding Rudolph Valentino here or what?

2. Does Mr. Big put Carrie to work? The trailer breezes over Big in a tuxedo hugging Carrie in a wait-staff outfit. Is it a flashback to their early days? Does Big like a woman in uniform? Your guess is as good as mine?

3. Is Charlotte going into the baking business? The trailer shows the frazzled mom whipping up countless pink cupcakes in her kitchen. She's on the phone. She's got a cutely-dressed kid in her arms.

Is this the start of a new Martha Stewart empire for the ever-tasteful Charlotte?

4. Ah Samantha! New York's PR queen is still living the high life, judging by the outfits Cattrall wears in the trailer. Yet, Us reported that Samantha, much like Big, is hit hard by the recession.

Did Us screw up? Is Samantha raiding Megan Fox's closet for services rendered? Who keeps her in the designer duds here -- and for how much?

5. Miranda, sadly, does little more in the trailer than smile and pose at a party with good old Steve (David Eigenberg). Could that be a clever ruse orchestrated by director King to throw fans off?

Maybe Miranda generates all the action in "SACT2?" Does she have another baby? Does she, like real-life actress Nixon, find love with a woman? Somebody give Miranda (and Nixon) enough lines to surprise us!

6. Charlotte's gay BFF Anthony (Mario Cantone) is missing from the "SATC2" trailer. Yet the persnickety style queen reportedly returns in full, bitch-slapping mode.

Will he use those charms for good or evil in this instalment? Let's see.

The film includes new faces like Miley Cyrus, Liza Minnelli and Penélope Cruz. I'm betting Anthony dumps Charlotte, trades up in the BFF department and makes SATC diehards around the world curse the day he was born!

Tell us what you think will happen to the stars of "Sex and the City 2?"