On July 13 NASA a job opening for the role of “planetary protection officer.â€

The interestingly-titled position has since been getting a lot of attention in the press and most likely its fair share of applications.

But one application, in particular, caught the eye of some of NASA’s top recruiters.

In a hand-written letter dated Aug. 3, Jack Davis, 9, expressed his interest in the position and said he believed he would be ideally suited for the role because, “my sister says I am an alien.â€

NASA letter

“I am so young, so I can learn to think like an alien,†Davis said. He also added that he’s “seen almost all the space and alien movies (he) can see,†and that he hopes to see “Men In Black†soon.

The fourth-grader signed off the letter as “Jack Davis, Guardian of the Galaxy.â€

The adorably penned letter caught the eye of NASA Planetary Science Director Jim Green.

"At NASA, we love to teach kids about space and inspire them to be the next generation of explorers," Green said in a statement. "Think of it as a gravity assist -- a boost that may positively and forever change a person's course in life, and our footprint in the universe."

Green wrote Davis back explaining the job specifications a bit more clearly, saying: “It’s about protecting Earth from tiny microbes when we bring back samples from the moon, asteroids and Mars. It’s also about protecting other planets and moons from our germs as we responsibly explore the solar system.â€

nasa letter

Green also encouraged Davis to “study hard and do well in school,†adding that he hoped to see the “Guardian of the Galaxy†working at NASA one day.

According to , Davis also got a phone call from Planetary Research Director Jonathan Rall, who thanked and congratulated him on his interest in the job.

Although the planetary protection officer position may not be as outrageous as the title makes it seem, NASA said in a statement that the role is important for promoting “responsible exploration of our solar system by preventing microbial contamination of other planets and our own.â€