KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Two NATO soldiers have been wounded in a roadside bomb attack, southwest of Kandahar.

The blast hit a convoy of soldiers in Sanzary, near the Panjwaii district.

Lieut. Sue Stefko, a spokeswoman for the Canadian Forces, says the injured were not Canadian.

Although she could not confirm it, the wounded are believed to be American soldiers.

Stefko said Canadian troops are operating in the area and provided a security cordon after the explosion.

They also helped evacuate the injured.

The two wounded troops were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, said Squadron Leader David Marsh, a spokesman for the NATO-led troops in southern Afghanistan.

Militants often use remote controlled explosive devices in their fight against foreign and Afghan security forces.

The level of violence has gone down recently during Afghanistan's winter, but in 2006 the country went through its most violent period since the ouster of Taliban in a U.S.-led invasion in 2001.

The Taliban last year launched a record number of attacks, and some 4,000 people, most of them militants, died in insurgency-related violence last year, according to a tally by The Associated Press based on reports from Afghan, NATO and coalition officials.

Canada has 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

Since 2002, 44 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in the country.