VANCOUVER - Delivery of a panel to replace one that shredded and forced B.C. Place Stadium officials to lower the roof has been delayed, stadium general manager Howard Crosley said Monday.

But the delay is not expected to be long and the officials are confident the panel will be in place by Wednesday for the 24-year-old stadium that is home to the B.C. Lions of the CFL.

The air-suspended fabric covering tore Friday during a wild wind and sleet storm following a moderate overnight snowfall.

The entire roof was brought down in a controlled deflation to prevent further damage. No one was injured.

Crosley told a hurried news conference outside the stadium that the status of three other smaller tears in the Teflon roof is being assessed.

The cause of the tear to the large panel has not been determined but Crosley said he is waiting for a report from engineers.

There had been speculation that an accumulation of snow on the roof on Friday caused the tear.

But Crosley said the snow did not accumulate on the roof but melted as it hit the surface of the roof and flowed away like rainfall.

The stadium was built to replace decrepit Empire Stadium, where the Lions played since they entered the league, and also in an effort to attract a Major League Baseball team to the city.

Crosley said the roof had a predicted lifespan from the manufacturer of 25 years and the stadium is insured. But the roof did not have a 25-year guarantee, as was reported. He says the roof is still in good condition despite being 24 years old.

"We have the roof inspected every year and the roof is still in good condition," said Crosley, adding that the relatively good condition is due in part to the temperate climate.

There was also a report that the tear may have been caused by an abrupt rise in the air pressure from the fans that keep the roof raised.

But Crosley said the system is designed such that when a tear or leak is detected the fans increase the air pressure to compensate.

B.C. Place operators have less than three weeks to fix the roof.

The B.C. Contractors show and Landscaping Expo are still scheduled for Jan. 23, according to the event calendar on the B.C. Place website.

The stadium seats 60,000 spectators.