OTTAWA - The House of Commons degenerated into a battle over Professor Panic and Mr. Control Freak today.

The House of Commons degenerated into a battle over Professor Panic and Mr. Control Freak today.

The House of Commons degenerated into a battle over Professor Panic and Mr. Control Freak today.

MPs resorted to name-calling and kindergarten antics over political party financing.

The Liberals have been attacking the Conservatives all week over allegations they broke election spending laws.

Today, Liberal MP Dominic LeBlanc wanted to know what role the prime minister may have played in an alleged scheme to funnel money from local candidates to the Conservative national campaign office.

LeBlanc said he couldn't believe the prime minister had nothing to do with the scheme, referring to him as Mr. Control Freak.

Government House leader Peter Van Loan responded by chiding Liberal Leader Stephane Dion and his party as Professor Panic and his gang of divided desperadoes.

Canada's elections commissioner is investigating whether dozens of Tory candidates improperly claimed more than $1 million in advertising expenses that should have been declared by the national party.