Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is once again asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper for a face-to-face meeting, saying it's been "too long" since their last meeting and that their relationship should be "one of collaboration, not confrontation."

Wynne released the letter she sent to the prime minister Thursday in which she requests a meeting to discuss what she says are important provincial-federal matters. It's the second such letter Wynne has sent to Harper in less than a month.

She also included the letters that six of her cabinet ministers have sent to their federal counterparts requesting meetings ahead of the federal government's next budget.

The letters explain that the ministers want to discuss such issues as investment in infrastructure, the auto sector and the northern Ontario Ring of Fire mining project.

".. I am once again asking you to meet with me at your earliest opportunity to discuss these issues, which are of great importance to the people of Ontario and their well-being," Wynne wrote.

Harper has not met face-to-face with Wynne since Dec. 5, 2013.