Canada's ambassador to the United Nations said there's "no question in (his) mind" Iran is involved in the attacks on Israel.

"That's very clear to me," Bob Rae told CTV's Question Period host Vassy Kapelos in an interview airing Sunday. "And I think it's something we have to understand, none of this stuff is accidental and Iran, of all the countries in the Middle East, does not accept the existence of the State of Israel."

He added Iran "has made it clear that it wants the elimination of the State of Israel. And so that's their objective."

Fighting continued on Sunday in Israel after a surprise attack by Hamas militants on Saturday.

He said in his view there’s “no question Iran is involved, adding: "I don't know how you can come up with another conclusion."

"Intelligence admittedly has failed us in many different ways," Rae said. "But I do think intelligence is pretty clear that the Iranians are very actively engaged in supporting forces outside their country that seek the destruction of Israel. That's not paranoia. That's evidence, and we know that."

This is the deadliest escalation in the region in decades, with many taken hostage by Hamas, including women, children and the elderly. The Associated Press reported Hamas will likely trade hostages for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

Rae told Kapelos Hamas is allegedly set to reveal more details about the hostages today, including who they are and the circumstance of their detention.

Reuters is reporting that .

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he has not seen evidence Iran is behind the latest attacks in Israel, Reuters also reported.

Lebanon's Hezbollah also launched attacks on Israel in the wake of Hamas' surprise attack.

"Hezbollah is under the control of Iran, just as Hamas is," Rae said. "This is a war that I firmly believe is being fueled and directed — and the technology is being used and all of the education that's been applied as to how to do this — it's coming out of Iran."

Canada and countries around the world are condemning the attack.

The United Nations Security Council is set to hold an emergency meeting on the crisis today.

Bob Rae's full interview with Vassy Kapelos on CTV's Question Period is in the video at the top of this article.