MONTREAL - Roger Tasse, who is considered the architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, died in hospital Saturday in Gatineau, Que.

He was 85.

His wife, Renee Marcil Tasse, was at his bedside. She told The Canadian Press Tasse had been receiving dialysis treatment for several years and that doctors had been closely monitoring his condition since discovering water in his lungs.

In 1980 Tasse led a team of Justice Ministry lawyers tasked with helping political leaders reach an agreement on The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In 1982 he was deputy justice minister in the Liberal government of former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau where he played a lead role in the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution.

During his long career in federal politics Tasse also served as deputy solicitor general in the 1970s, then attorney general. In the 1980s and 90s he represented the government in negotiations of the Meech Lake accord and subsequent Charlottetown accord.