A Liberal politician who believes the national anthem is sexist hopes lawmakers will support his push to make the lyrics of O Canada more inclusive.

Liberal MP Mauril Belanger introduced a private member's bill Monday, seeking to change just two words in the anthem. If successful, Belanger would see the lyrics changed from "True patriot love in all thy sons command" to "True patriot love, in all of us command."

"The bill proposes a simple change in the English version only," he said in the House of Commons Monday.

"It's something that I have been reflecting on for quite a while because I think it would reflect the evolution of our country and our society over the last century," he told CTV Ottawa Tuesday. "I think it's time that we have a national anthem that is more inclusive."

Belanger said he has one grandson and two granddaughters. "So why would it be that my national anthem would command true patriot love to my grandson only and not to my granddaughters as well."

If Belanger's bill is passed, it wouldn't be the first time the lyrics have changed. The original lyrics in 1908 were "thou dost in us command." In 1914 they were changed to "in all thy sons command."

Most recently, a handful of prominent Canadian women including former prime minister Kim Campbell and author Margaret Atwood championed a '' campaign aimed at changing the same two words Belanger has set his sights on.

Belanger says, this time around, he has had more positive than negative reaction to his proposal.

"You can let sleeping dogs lie, but evolution and progress and recognition of rights and equality does not come by doing nothing," he said.

The private member's bill is rather low down the list, but Belanger hopes that by the end of the session, it will be debated in the House of Commons.