LONDON, Ont. -- Here is what Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said Wednesday in response to questions on the Mike Duffy affair.

Reporter: Good morning, Mr. Harper. Thank you for taking our questions today. Mike Duffy's lawyer suggests your current chief of staff, Ray Novak. (pause) Let me start again. Thank you. Mike Duffy's lawyer suggests your current chief of staff, Ray Novak, is a conduit to you. That is typical for chiefs of staff. Email evidence suggests this is the case as well. So, if he knew about the $90,000 secret payment why should Canadians -- as well as your supporters -- believe you did not know? And finally, why does Mr. Novak continue to still have your trust?

Harper: Well, as you know, I'm certainly not going to comment on matters that are part of any ongoing court case. But the fact of the matter is this: I repeat exactly what I've said. All of the facts certify exactly what I have said. I told Mr. Duffy in February (2013) that he should be repaying expenses that I simply thought were not justifiable. In March (2013), I was told he was repaying those expenses. When I found out in May (2013) he wasn't, I took the appropriate action. Obviously I dealt with Mr. Duffy because he had not repaid his expenses and Mr. Wright because he had paid those expenses for Mr. Duffy. And that was the appropriate thing to do.

Reporter (In French): Good day. Mr. Harper, you refused could you respond to questions asked about your chief of staff Ray Novak and we have learned that he has received emails that were copied to Benjamin Perrin, the attorney. And clearly this is a deception managed by Nigel Wright regarding the non-repayment of Duffy's expenses. Now we know Mr. Novak contributed to this cover-up. Do you still have confidence in Novak and why should he remain an aide?

Harper (In French): Obviously, I don't accept your interpretation of the facts. But of course I am not going to be commenting on matters which are before the courts. The allegations are before the courts, currently. The reality is as follows: I asked Mr. Duffy to reimburse taxpayers for expenses, which were in my opinion could not be justified. Mr. Duffy refused to do this. For this reason, he was held responsible. Mr. Wright paid back taxpayers instead. It was his decision and that helped Mr. Duffy in not reimbursing his expenses and for that reason I also held Mr. Wright responsible.

Reporter: Good morning Mr. Harper. Thanks again for taking our questions on this matter today. To be clear: Who told police the truth? Was it Benjamin Perrin or was it Ray Novak? And will there be any consequences to the person who lied? And have you discussed this matter with Ray Novak in the last 24/48 hours?

Harper: Obviously, as I've told you once again. I'm not going to discuss individual things before the court. There are two people, in my judgment, who are responsible: Mr. Duffy, who did not reimburse the taxpayers for expenses that I believe cannot be justified and Mr. Wright, who although he did reimburse the taxpayers, he did so without my authority and contrary to my wishes. Those are the two people who are responsible and they have been held accountable.

Reporter: I understand you don't want to answer questions because it's before the courts, but Mr. Harper, there are outstanding questions. And the questions grow larger by the day. Yesterday it was revealed from RCMP documents that your former lawyer said that Ray Novak knew about the Duffy deal. So, if he knew, the question is: Where is he now? Is he still part of your campaign and why are you protecting him?

Harper: Once again, I am not going to cherry-pick facts that are in dispute before a court. The fact of the matter is: I have held those responsible accountable. The two people who are responsible are Mr. Duffy, who did not repay as I believed he should repay and I think as most Canadians of common sense believe he should repay; and Mr. Wright, who allowed him not to repay by paying those expenses for him. These are the people responsible. They've been held accountable. That's my judgment in how this matter should be handled.