After leading the Liberal Party to a resounding majority win in Canada's 42nd general election Monday, prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau is featured in headlines around the world.

International news outlets reported Tuesday, that the electoral victory ushers in a significant change to Canadian politics. But audiences beyond Canada's borders weren't just interested in the vote count and a new-look government.

Many articles focused on Trudeau himself, mentioning his reputation as a handsome man, his promise to legalize marijuana, and the political legacy of his famous father: former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

On the morning after Trudeau's big election win, here's a look at how the rest of the world is reporting on Canada's next prime minister and his Liberal Party's victory:


The Guardian paper in depth, detailing the party's promises and saying the Liberal government will "spell a sea change … that will be felt quickly on the world stage."

In , the paper referred to the prime minister-designate as "almost literally born into the role of prime minister."

also ran a number of stories on the election, including a profile tracing Trudeau's childhood at 24 Sussex Drive, and his early political career.

Meanwhile, veered from strictly political reporting to pose the question, "Is Justin Trudeau the sexiest politician in the world?"


France's (in French) on Trudeau's win, quoting the politician's victory speech, in which he proclaimed a victory for "politique positive "or" positive politics."

In terms of policy, the French paper highlighted Trudeau's economic plans, calling the prime minister-designate "particularly committed" to running a deficit in order to increase spending on infrastructure.


Australia's opened its story on the Canadian election with a nod to some of Trudeau's non-political feats.

"He is the photogenic son of a former prime minister whose abs and biceps have graced charity boxing matches," the first line of the article reads. It continues, "Now, Canada's Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has won another fight."


Major media outlets in Canada's neighbour to the south all reported on Trudeau's victory.

The New York Times published "Justin Trudeau, following in his father's footsteps," in which writer Ian Austen describes Trudeau's childhood and the time he spent in Vancouver before entering politics.

After describing Trudeau's ascent in the Liberal party, Austen tacks one more line onto the end of his story, writing, "Tall and athletic, Mr. Trudeau boxes once or twice a week."

mused about the "beginnings of a dynasty," calling Trudeau the "son and scion of Canada's first, nascent political dynasty." Elsewhere, called him "Canada's liberal, boxing, strip-teasing new PM."

A story by the U.S.-based Associated Press that ran in papers from to , said Trudeau "channels the star power – if not quite the political heft – of his father, who swept to power in 1968 on a wave of support dubbed Trudeaumania."

And outside of traditional media, a number of outlets had some fun with creative headlines and collections of social media reaction to the new prime minister-designate.

In one example, online outlet with the headline "The internet is sweating maple syrup over Canada's Justin Trudeau," featuring a collection of tweets fawning over Canada's new leader.


Russian-based, highlighting another internationally-recognized Canadian politician: former Toronto mayor Rob Ford.

Ford publicly supported Stephen Harper in the final days of the Conservative campaign, attending multiple rallies alongside his brother, Doug Ford.

In reference to this, the Sputnik headline says:

"Trudeau wins! Crack-smoking ex-mayor fails to save Canada's Conservatives."