A Canada-China free-trade deal could bring ā€œbillions and billions of dollarsā€ to the sagging Canadian economy each year, according to an expert on the subject matter.

Laura Dawson, director of the Canada Institute at the in Washington, recently co-authored a study on a Canada-China free-trade agreement. The study will be released next week. Canada is not currently engaged in free-trade negotiations with China, according to . However, , which is aimed at protecting and promoting foreign investment through legally-binding rights and obligations.

Speaking to CTVā€™s Question Period, Dawson said her research shows that Canada stands to benefit greatly if the two countries were to reach a deal.

ā€œI am astonished by the benefits that Canada could derive from this kind of agreement. Billions and billions of dollars every year."

According to Dawson and Canadian Global Affairs Institute Vice-President Colin Robertson, many sectors of the Canadian economy would profit from the diversification that would come with a Canada-China free-trade deal, including:

ā€¢ Agri-food, such as pork and canola

ā€¢ Lumber

ā€¢ Insurance: ā€œThere are a number of Canadian insurance companies over there. We sell an awful lot," Robertson told Question Period.

Dawson also said there is no need to worry about the effects of a free-trade deal with China on Canada's relationship with its closest partner -- the U.S.

ā€œThe United States already has a high level economic dialogue and framework with China. Itā€™s working quite well, ā€ said Dawson. ā€œItā€™s way ahead of the level of cooperation that Canada and China have so I donā€™t think that we would put ourselves in an antagonistic position vis-à-vis the United States.ā€

The Liberal government has emphasized the need for Canada to connect with growing markets in the global economy, especially amidst a bleak economy at home. More specifically, International Trade Minister this week that China and India are priorities for her file.

ā€œThese are two huge, growing markets, areas, where at a time the global economy is not growing as quickly as we would like, weā€™re still seeing tremendous economic growth.ā€

Freelandā€™s comments come as Prime Minister Justin Trudeauā€™s Liberal government prepares for a major trade mission to China and India. Trudeau is likely to travel to the two countries in March after bilateral meetings with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington, according to a report by last week. The trip is part of a longer-term goal of reaching a free-trade deal with China, said the report.