CTV's Question Period tested the journalists featured on its scrum panel to see how much they remember from the year in politics. , and then - for the full quiz airing on Question Period - follow along with the questions below.

The answers are included after the questions.

1. Back in April, Mike Duffy was cleared of how many charges related to the Senate expense scandal?

2. Of the four senators who were initially investigated in the expenses scandal, which ones are still sitting in the upper chamber?

3. In May, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was accused of "manhandling" an MP in the House of Commons after it appeared the opposition was stalling a vote. What was the vote on?

4. Who was the Conservative MP Trudeau grabbed by the arm?

5. Who was the New Democrat MP that took Trudeau's accidental elbow to the chest and missed the vote after leaving the chamber?

6. After attending a fundraiser with Trudeau, Zhang Bin, a Chinese billionaire donated, $1 million to the Trudeau Foundation. Of that $1 million, $50,000 was earmarked for a statue of who?

7. Hunter Tootoo stepped down from cabinet after revealing he was seeking treatment for an addiction. What was he the minister of?

8. When Hunter Tootoo left cabinet, which other ministers got new jobs?

9. Which MP used the F-word in the House of Commons? (And by "F," we mean fart.)

10. Democratic Institutions Minister Maryam Monsef was under fire for saying she was born in Afghanistan, when she was actually born where?

11. Which minister was the first to be involved with the cash-for-access scandal?

12. On Jan. 18th, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau caused a media stir when she did what at an event to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.?

13. Who snubbed Trudeau for a high-five last year?

14. How many foreign countries has Trudeau visited since coming into office?

15. When Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto came to visit Ottawa as a part of the North American Leaders' Summit (or the Three Amigo's), in what activity did he and Trudeau partake?

16. When U.S. President Barack Obama spoke to Parliament in June, he was the first president since who to do so?

17. This former Saturday Night Live actor was one of a number of Canadian celebrities invited to the state dinner in Washington, D.C. honouring Prime Minister Trudeau.

18. How many cabinet ministers were on the official guest list for the state dinner?

19. Name the region in Belgium that refused to sign the Canada-EU trade agreement?

20. Which former Republican presidential candidate called Trudeau's positive statement on Castro's death "shameful and embarrassing"?

21. Much was made of Justin Trudeau's trip to China, but he wasn't the first Trudeau to make the trek as prime minister. What year did Pierre Trudeau visit China?

22. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited Trudeau on Parliament Hill on Sept. 22 to announce exploratory talks about what?

23. How many times has Justin Trudeau spoken at the United Nations?

24. How many Conservative leadership candidates are there?

25. Who was the first Conservative to declare their leadership bid?

26. How many people are running for the NDP leadership?

27. Tom Mulcair lost his leadership review at the NDP national convention earlier this year. What percentage of New Democrats voted to remove him as leader?

28. Who said this: "I will work hard on my sunny ways, and I will promise to do better"?

29. Who is Trudeau referring to in this quote: "No relationship is more important to me and to Canada"?

30. Who said this: "We cannot justify the construction of a pipeline, which also delivers more risks than real profits"?

31. Who said this: "The only good thing I can say is that tomorrow morning I will be at home with my three kids"?

32. Who said this: "To all the women, I stand humbly before you today and solemnly offer our sincere apology"?

33. Who said this: "Donald Trump is a fascist. Let's not kid ourselves, let's not beat around the bush"?

34. How many provinces and territories held elections in 2016?

35. Which province held out before signing on to Finance Minister Bill Morneau's new CPP plan last fall, which allowed the federal government to move forward on the project?

36. The house of which politician burnt down in the Fort McMurray fires?

37. In September, the federal government approved the Pacific Northwest LNG project. In which British Columbia town will it end?

38. In 2016, how many Syrian refugees did the government target to bring to Canada?

39. More than 340 communities across Canada accepted Syrian refugees. Which city accepted the most?

40. Which Harry Potter star met with the prime minister in Ottawa?

41. Who is the youngest member of Parliament?

42. Who is the longest serving member of Parliament?

43. Who is the clerk of the Privy Council?

44. This year, Trudeau named a new justice to the Supreme Court. Who is he?

45. Which popular American fashion magazine featured Justin Trudeau on its April cover?

46. The federal government approved two oil pipelines this year, but rejected which other project?

47. How many seats are in the House of Commons?

48. Who is the NDP House leader?

49. Stephen Harper resigned as an MP in August. In what year was he first elected?

50. Who is the government representative in the Senate?

51. Which minister, whose riding is in Montreal, is in charge of the National Capital Commission?

52. As of Dec. 25, how many vacancies does the Senate have?

53. How many independent senators are there?

54. A Conservative-dominated Senate committee tried to make major changes to a government bill. What was the bill about?


1. 31

2. Pamela Wallin, Mike Duffy and Patrick Brazeau (former Liberal senator Mac Harb retired)

3. Bill C-14, the assisted dying bill

4. Conservative whip Gordon Brown

5. Ruth Ellen Brosseau

6. Trudeau's father, former prime minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau

7. Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

8. Bardish Chagger became House leader and Dominic Leblanc became fisheries minister

9. Conservative MP Michelle Rempel

10. Iran (Mashhad)

11. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould

12. She sang

13. Prince George

14. 18: Madagascar, Liberia, Peru, Argentina, Cuba, Belgium, Israel, the United States, China, Ukraine, Poland, Japan, Switzerland, France, Malta, the UK, Philippines and Turkey

15. Jogging

16. Bill Clinton, (Feb. 23, 1995)

17. Mike Myers

18. Nine: Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains, International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion, International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, Canadian Heritage Minister Melanie Joly, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and then-fisheries minister Hunter Tootoo

19. Wallonia

20. Marco Rubio

21. 1973

22. A free-trade deal between China and Canada

23. Once at the UN General Assembly, but twice if you count his April 22, 2016 speech on the signing of the UN climate agreement

24. 14

25. Kellie Leitch: April 6, 2016

26. 0

27. 52 per cent

28. Maryam Monsef, Dec. 5 in the House

29. Indigenous peoples

30. Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre

31. International Trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland

32. RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson

33. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair

34. Three: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon

35. British Columbia

36. Alberta Wildrose Leader Brian Jean

37. Prince Rupert

38. 25,000

39. Toronto

40. Emma Watson

41. New Democrat Pierre-Luc Dusseault

42. Bloc MP Louis Plamondon

43. Michael Wernick

44. Malcolm Rowe

45. GQ

46. Northern Gateway

47. 338

48. Murray Rankin

49. 1993

50. Peter Harder

51. Melanie Joly

52. 0

53. 43

54. Bill C-2, changing tax brackets for federal income tax