VICTORIA - British Columbia politicians are back in Victoria today to kick off the final sitting of the provincial legislature before residents head to the polls.

Lt.-Gov Judith Guichon will read the speech from the throne and lay out Premier Christy Clark's plans for the upcoming legislative session in the lead-up to the May 9 election, when British Columbians will decide who they want to lead the province in the coming years.

Political observers are forecasting a scrappy session as the province's two main parties lay out their governing intentions in a bid for support from provincial voters.

Clark says her government plans to focus on job creation, homes and schools, while B.C. New Democrat Leader John Horgan says affordability is his priority.

Horgan has promised to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and introduce $10-a-day childcare if elected.

The provincial budget will be released next week and is widely expected to be balanced for the fifth year running after quarterly financial reports point to a surplus in the range of $2 billion.