Alberta Conservative MP Brian Jean says he is stepping aside after serving 10 years as a MP.

Jean was first elected as a Conservative MP in 2001 for the riding of Fort McMurray-Athabasca.

He said in a new release posted to his website that the ā€œtime has comeā€ to move on.

ā€œIā€™ve spent the past ten years fighting for the priorities of Northern Albertans in Ottawa and now I feel Iā€™m needed more right here at home in Fort McMurray,ā€ the news release said. ā€œWith the strongest economy in the G8, a positive decision on the Northern Gateway Pipeline and significantly improved regional infrastructure, I feel ready to step aside and allow someone new to take on the job knowing that I am passing it on in great conditionā€¦ I am truly looking forward to spending more time at home with my family in Northern Alberta.ā€

Jean also thanked Prime Minister Stephen Harper ā€œfor his leadershipā€ and ā€œfor allowing me the opportunity to publically serve the greatest people and place in Canada.ā€

Jean served as parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities from 2006 to 2011. Most recently, he served on finance, justice and industry committees.

Harper thanked Jean for his ā€œhard work and years of devoted service to his constituents,ā€ in a statement released by the Prime Ministerā€™s Office Friday evening.

ā€œBrianā€™s wisdom and tireless work ethic will be deeply missed as our Government continues to work towards strengthening our nationā€™s transportation and infrastructure systems,ā€ the statement said.

Jeanā€™s resignation is effective Jan. 17.