OTTAWA - The new federal minister of intergovernmental affairs wants to assure Quebec that he will not be biased against it in disputes involving his home province, Newfoundland and Labrador.

The appointment of Peter Penashue, the first Innu elected to the government, was criticized this week by Parti Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois.

She was distressed that the Tories' sole MP from Newfoundland and Labrador had been appointed to the job of maintaining good relations between the provinces.

Marois pointed out that Quebec and St. John's are currently embroiled in two contentious issues -- hydroelectric development of Lower Churchill Falls and exploiting the resources of the Old Harry gas deposit.

Penashue said Thursday he wants to ensure that all regions of the country are treated fairly.

Quebec Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Pierre Moreau said it was premature to be worried about any bias by Penashue.

Quebec was strongly opposed during the federal election to Ottawa's decision to give a loan guarantee to Newfoundland and Labrador to exploit Lower Churchill, a project estimated to cost about $6.2 billion.

Penashue said it is his responsibility to be fair because parliamentarians have a responsibility to keep all of Canada in mind.