ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan's top security official says the country will suspend its military operations against insurgents in a tribal region along the Afghan border in honour of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

But he says security forces will retaliate with force against any militant attacks during the month.

The suspension is to take effect Monday, says Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik.

Army spokesman Maj. Murad Khan says the military activity has already been halted in the Bajur tribal area, where hundreds of militants have reportedly died and tens of thousands have been forced to flee.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Maulvi Umar said the suspension in Bajur was welcome, and offered again to negotiate with the government.

However, he said militants would not lay down their arms as the government has demanded.

Umar also said that, as a gesture of goodwill, the militants would release six paramilitary troops out of 30 they claim to have in captivity.

Pakistan's five-month-old government has been plagued by violence and political instability since Pervez Musharraf, the longtime U.S. ally in the war on terror, was forced to resign as president two weeks ago.

The United States has pushed Pakistan to crack down on militants, fearing Taliban- and al-Qaida-linked fighters -- particularly in the semiautonomous tribal areas -- are involved in attacks on American and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Many Pakistanis blame rising violence on Musharraf's decision to support the United States.

On Sunday, Malik insisted Pakistan was not taking orders from the United States. "We are fighting this war. This is our war. There is no question of America's dictation," Malik said.

The military operation in Bajur, a rumoured hideout of Osama bin Laden, has killed 562 Islamist insurgents, according to Malik, and forced more than 300,000 people to flee their homes.

The military has used helicopter gunships and fighter jets to support paramilitary forces on the ground there.

Separately, the military has launched strikes against insurgents in the Swat Valley, another northwest region that was once a popular tourist destination.

Army spokesman Maj. Nasir Ali said at least 40 Taliban were killed Friday when fighter jets pounded militants.

Malik said the suspension applied only to Bajur because a decision on Swat required notices by the provincial government. Wajid Ali Khan, a top official with the North West Frontier Province, said a decision could come later Sunday.

"The operation in Swat is in high gear, but the holy month's sanctity requires that people spend it in peace and harmony," Khan said, adding, "It shouldn't be a one-way affair."

It has been nearly impossible to confirm the death tolls and the scope of either the Bajur or Swat violence because of the areas are dangerous and remote. Officials have not given any statistics on civilian deaths, though witnesses have reported dozens.

Since the Bajur operation began nearly a month ago, many of the displaced -- including large numbers of women and children -- are now living in sweltering, mosquito-infested relief camps in conditions that have alarmed aid groups.

Malik said the displaced from Bajur should feel free to return "without any fear" for Ramadan.

Meanwhile, in the North Waziristan tribal region, witnesses and a local intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the nature of his job said a blast destroyed a house and that a missile strike was suspected.

At least four people were reported killed and two wounded in the Tapi village explosion Sunday, said the intelligence official. He said all six were believed to be foreigners.

Local militants immediately surrounded the site, said area residents Mohammad Ayaz and Noor Rehman. Both said they saw a drone in the air before the explosion at about 3 p.m.

The United States is believed to be behind many missile strikes against suspected militant hideouts in Pakistan's tribal regions.