Getting in shape doesn't have to mean trading a day outside for an indoor sweat session. Our Fitness Expert Libby Norris shows us how to get the local park.


  • Make your walk a total body workout
  • Improve your body composition
  • Increase your strength
  • Burn more calories


  • Lunges - on the jungle gym base
  • T-Stand Push ups - behind the park bench
  • Triceps Dips - on the park bench
  • Monkey bar arms - monkey bars
  • Slide Curls - incline on the slide

Other drills

  • Hopscotch
  • Sand walks
  • Skipping
  • Squat walks

General Points:

  • Make functional time of play
  • Rounds out your workout if you do some muscular exercises along with a walk in the park!
  • Use your environment and enjoy the outdoors
  • Fit in small bits of exercise when you can. It all adds up
  • Make it a family event! It sets not a good but a great example.