PARIS - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ended his European tour Saturday without persuading any country to end crippling economic sanctions based on his power-sharing deal with the rival Islamic militant Hamas.

The bright spot in his trip was a promise Saturday from French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy to work with a government that includes Hamas and Abbas' more moderate Fatah party. His comments were more positive than those of other European leaders during Abbas' four-country tour. But Douste-Blazy made no commitments on resuming aid frozen since Hamas won parliamentary elections a year ago.

Europe's governments remained firm: Any new Palestinian government must recognize Israel's right to exist before direct international aid can resume.

"I encouraged Mr. Abbas to persevere in his efforts to quickly form a national unity government," Douste-Blazy told reporters.

If the government is formed according to the power-sharing deal worked out in the Islamic holy city of Mecca last month, "France will be ready to cooperate with it," Douste-Blazy said. "And our country will plead on its behalf within the European Union and with other partners in the international community."

Abbas, who also traveled to Britain, Germany and Belgium, welcomed the pledge from France. But it was unclear how far France could go in supporting the Palestinians without the backing of the rest of the EU or other members of the Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators: the United States, Russia and the U.N.

Half of the Palestinian Authority's budget came from foreign assistance until much of it was frozen last year over Hamas' refusal to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept existing peace agreements with Israel. The power-sharing deal skirts those demands.

"We hope that the embargo will be lifted," Abbas said after meeting French President Jacques Chirac on Saturday. "If not ... the Palestinian people would continue to suffer and the sanctions would continue to cause damage."

European leaders cautiously welcomed the power-sharing deal, an effort to end clashes between Hamas and Fatah that have left more than 130 dead since May.

But EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana told Abbas in Brussels that the EU would not make a decision on aid until a new Palestinian government has taken office.

In Gaza, four Palestinians were killed and 37 were injured in a family feud late Friday and early Saturday, threatening the calm that has accompanied the Mecca deal. Gaza remains volatile because families of some of those killed in months of clashes still seek revenge.

Palestinian parliament speaker Ahmed Baher, of Hamas, said in Gaza on Saturday that the government would be formed by the first week of March.

Israel has ruled out talks on a final peace deal with Abbas if he goes ahead with the coalition government.

But Abbas insisted he still had hope in the peace process despite an inconclusive meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earlier this week.

"We cannot say that there is something hopeless. It is indispensable that we reach agreement with the Israelis," he told reporters in Paris.

Abbas said he would push for the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit before the new government is formed. Shalit's capture by Palestinian militants last June sparked weeks of fighting between Palestinians and Israelis. Chirac and Douste-Blazy urged his release Saturday.