OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper's appointment of Marc Mayrand as Canada's new chief electoral officer was approved unanimously on Wednesday by the House of Commons.

Mayrand, a senior public servant and former civil law professor, was nominated to the post earlier this month.

As superintendent of bankruptcy since 1997, Maynard has been lauded for his extensive experience in strategic management and organizational change.

Harper called Mayrand "a strong and energetic manager with a proven background in operations and regulatory oversight.''

Mayrand will replace Jean-Pierre Kingsley, who "served as Chief Electoral Officer for 17 years, for the commitment and professionalism he demonstrated during his tenure," said the Prime Minister's Office in a statement.

"The Prime Minister wished him well in his future endeavours."

Before joining the public service, Mayrand taught insolvency, corporate and commercial law, as well as public and administrative law at the University of Ottawa.

He holds a bachelor's degree in law from the University of Ottawa and a Masters in law from the London School of Economics and Political Science.