Tomatoes belong to the ‘solincea' family. They are related to potatoes and peppers: together they derive their names from ‘sola' or ‘sun loving' and are native to South America. Knowing this helps you to understand that all three of these popular vegetables love the sun and respond to warmth all summer long. This is why many parts of Canada are great for growing tomatoes including the prairies, where days are long in the summer and generally quite hot.

Plant tomatoes in an organic rich soil with lots of compost and about 20% sharp sand (sand box sand works). Tomatoes are heavy feeders so be sure to fertilize frequently or use a once a season slow release formula.

Stake your tomatoes off the ground to double your crop.

I prefer the spiral stakes that last almost forever and do not require tying.

Mulch with 12 inches or 30 cm. of loose straw to keep weeds down and to reduce watering.

At harvest time be sure to pick as your tomatoes become ripe to encourage the plants to continue to produce and to reduce the occurrence of disease.

Have fun and enjoy the unmatched flavor of your own home grown tomatoes.
