The sight of bugs on your begonias or aphids on your asters generally solicits a response from us that urges us to reach for a bottle or can of pest control of some kind. I ask you to resist this urge and think instead of ways that you can trap the bad guys in an effort to bring the ‘problem' under control. This will leave the ‘good guys' alone to do the good work that they are designed to do in your garden.

I remind you that 99 per cent of the bugs in your garden are not bad for it and actually serve a special purpose. Their mission varies from bug species to species… but they do have a mission, all of them.

If you have Japanese Beetles, hang a Japanese Beetle trap.

If you have wasps, bait them with a wasp trap.

If you have slugs or snails eating your hostas, you can trap them too. With a ‘slug saloon. Nothing so serious going on that a bottle of beer won't fix.

For more information watch this segment and go to
