"The emerging trend of ‘community' gardens is growing very fast. Not to be confused with ‘allotment gardens' (where individuals are handed responsibility for a particular garden plot) a community garden provides opportunities for any number of people to work together with one goal in mind -- producing fresh fruits and vegetables for the participants and (most often) for the community at large.

At the Earlsdale Park Community garden 80 volunteers and 3 part-time staff produce an impressive 2,500 pounds of fresh produce on a remarkably small 8,000 sq. ft of outdoor space.

It is fascinating, in my opinion, to see how so much food can be produced in such an intense space.

I would urge all CTV viewers who have an interest in starting their own community gardens to begin by contacting the authorities in your community/municipality to see if programs have been set up to help support your initiative. Alternatively, contact your local municipal councilor or mayor and request their support. It is a concept that helps everyone!"
