Actress Melissa McCarthy made headlines this week after telling reporters on the Red Carpet that she was using CBD oil between her toes to relieve those high-heel woes.

With marijuanaā€™s legalization in Canada last year, cannabis beauty products are a relatively unexplored frontier.

But in Hollywood, theyā€™re old hat, with several actresses going on the record extolling the virtues of CBD oil to deal with the pain of wearing high-heeled shoes.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the trick has been a favourite of celebrity stylists for years, who have turned their clients to luxury CBD brands.

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating cannaboid found in cannabis and hemp.

CBD has risen to popularity as an alternative to traditional pain relief medications, with finding that CBD relieved pain in test subjects suffering from chronic pain.

But podiatrists arenā€™t convinced that the oil is the solution to foot pain.

ā€œItā€™s great if thatā€™s her solution to wearing high-heel shoes,ā€ podiatrist Dr. Marc Lindy told in an interview. ā€œBut I sure couldnā€™t look the high-heel wearing public in the eye and say ā€˜Iā€™d go out and follow that advice.ā€™ā€

ā€œItā€™s purely an anecdotal statement.ā€

Lindy says that while there is no reason to discount that CBD works for stars like McCarthy, it may not be effective for everyone ā€“ especially for a topical treatment.

ā€œThereā€™s very few things that have really been that effective for topical pain relief. And even the ones that are supposed to make senseā€¦they donā€™t work for everybody.ā€