It was a great year for the male beauty industry, with men's grooming more popular than ever. However, some developments were more left-field than others. Here are some of the wackiest ideas put forward over the past 12 months.

Hair tunnels


Rick Owens opted for an unconventional look for his male models during Men's Fashion Week in Paris this June, creating what became labelled the "hair tunnel." The dramatic style saw locks carefully crafted into conical shapes completely covering the face in what was an undoubtedly fashion-forward look but perhaps not one suitable for everyday wear at the office.

Glitter beards


One of the most surprising trends to spring up this year is the "glitter beard", which snuck onto the radar a few weeks ago, courtesy of Instagram users The Gay Beards. A combination of oil and glitter are really all that is required to achieve this sparkly, if slightly unusual, festive beauty look.

Eye-patch makeup


One of the most theatrical male beauty looks seen on the catwalks this year came courtesy of designer Walter Van Beirendonck, who sent his models out sporting cartoonish, painted-on eye patches in the shape of thunder-and-lightening cloud combinations.

Beer shampoo


When Carlsberg announced it was launching a male beauty range earlier this summer, we thought someone at the Danish brewery had had a few too many. But its "Carlsberg Beer Beauty" line of shampoo, conditioner and body lotion proved hugely popular, selling out in weeks.

Clip-on man buns

clip on

According to Google, the man bun was one of the most searched-for beauty queries of 2014, after celebrities such as Harry Styles, Jared Leto and Leonardo DiCaprio helped launch the trendy hairstyle. This year, however, things took a slightly bizarre turn when Groupon revealed an offer for clip-on man buns that can be attached and removed at whim.