If you haven't yet had your fill of Julie Couillard, you'll soon be able to read all about the bombshell in a new book.

The life and times of the woman who brought down a cabinet minister will be chronicled in an autobiography due out in the fall.

Couillard brought about the resignation of her ex-boyfriend, onetime foreign minister Maxime Bernier, after he left sensitive documents in her Laval condo.

The relationship raised major security questions when it was revealed that Couillard was once married to a biker associate, dated another man with biker ties and also had a tryst with an associate of the late Montreal mobster, Frank Cotroni.

Biographies of Couillard, 38, will be published in English and French.

Bernier to speak

Bernier, now relegated to the back benches of the Conservative government, plans to address several aspects of the political scandal that cost him his cabinet post last month.

He'll hold a news conference next Wednesday evening in his home riding in the Beauce, but will not take questions from reporters.