ANKARA, Turkey - The defence ministers of Israel and Turkey on Sunday said they had overcome a diplomatic spat between the allies and were working to develop relations and further military projects.

After daylong talks with Turkish officials, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said the countries managed to move beyond a disagreement after Israel apologized for its treatment of the Turkish ambassador.

Barak is the first Israeli official to visit Turkey since a diplomatic feud erupted Monday after Israel's deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, summoned Turkish Ambassador Ahmet Oguz Celikkol to complain about a TV show depicting Israeli agents kidnapping children and shooting old men.

The ambassador was forced to sit on a low sofa without a handshake, while Ayalon told local TV stations that the humiliation was intentional. Outraged, Turkey threatened to recall the ambassador, forcing Ayalon to apologize.

"I believe it was a mistake, and the right step was taken," Barak said. "It is appropriate that all the ups and downs in our relationship over the years should be solved and put behind us."

Turkish Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul called Israel a "neighbour" and "strategic ally" with which Turkey had common interests in the region.

"We are living in the same area, although we don't have common borders, we have the same interests," Gonul said. "We are strategic allies as long as our interests force us to do so."

He said Turkey and Israel had completed seven out of 13 military projects, including upgrade of F-4 and F-5 jets, and were looking to jointly upgrade M-60 main battle tanks in Turkey for other countries in a new level of co-operation. Israel is to deliver 10 Heron unmanned aircraft to Turkey in the first half of this year, Gonul added. Turkey hopes use the drones to monitor Kurdish rebel hideouts.

However, differences remained over their positions on the Iranian nuclear program. Israel is worried that Iran is carrying out a clandestine program to acquire nuclear weapons. Turkey also opposes development of nuclear weapons in the region but says Tehran has a right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful use.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has also publicly opposed the nuclear arsenal of Israel and, separately, chided the country over what he considers Israel's aggressive treatment of Palestinians.

"It's obvious Turkey never likes nuclear bombs for itself or any other neighbouring country," Gonul said Sunday.

The quarrel was the latest in a series of disputes between allies who had built strong military and economic ties over the past 15 years.

In a goodwill gesture, Barak asked his personal photographer to take a picture of him with Celikkol during the visit, the state-run Anatolia news agency said. Celikkol had travelled to Ankara for Barak's visit.

Barak and his fellow Labor Party member, Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer, have significantly warmer relations with Turkey than Ayalon and Lieberman's ultra-nationalist party.

Hours before Barak's departure, Ayalon said the Turkish ambassador could be expelled if Turkish TV dramas continue to depict Israeli security forces as brutal.

In Israel on Sunday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized the way Ayalon handled the protest, but defended its substance.

"We don't seek conflicts, but we will stand our ground," Lieberman said at a Jerusalem news conference.